
Homeschools, Church Schools and Homeschool Graduation Announcements

Homeschools began in the early 1970s for parents preferring a different avenue to educate their children. Lobbying and petitioning was beginning to make homeschooling legal in every state. Mediating also began at local levels to forward home education.

What brought about the need for Church Schools and Homeschools?
To Name a Few:
• Concerns About Public School Environments
• Children with Special Needs
• A Child’s Illness
• School’s Academic Instruction
• Moral and Morale Issues
• Instruction with Christian Emphasis
• The Need for Non-Traditional Learning
• Student Adaptation
• Safety of Environment

Establishing credibility for newer homeschoolers continues even today. Critiques of homeschooling today varies widely throughout the United states for student testing and academic curriculum. It wasn’t until the late 1980’s that many states became ready to embrace the prospects and processes of homeschooling individual students, as well as organizations and christian communities.

Some statistics find that per capita, more students who are homeschooled continue higher level educational studies. Most students from church school and homeschool environments report a higher level of civic involvement. Challenging factors remaining within the home school areas of study is not the availability of curriculum but the keeping and setting of schedules, standards, communication and goals. Research does show that homeschooled and church school students do well in college and higher level educational settings.

Since 1998, Mark Art Productions has enjoyed being available to home schooled graduates. We have continued to design and print graduation announcements for both the individual homeschooled student, christian school graduates and other graduate classes.

We appreciate the endeavors of parents and students who are embracing education as a priority and pursuing a lifestyle of achievement.

Thank you for your service!

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